Timo has just released a new version of OpenSkipper (OpenSkipper 1.6B) for testing with better support for data formats. LatitudeDDMM and LongitudeDDDMM formats did not work with south and west value; they do now, plus you can also customise them. Download, as usual, is from our SourceForge site. All feedback welcome. Andrew
Please give me a hint, how to change the com port.
I get this message when i open OpenSkipper: An error occurred when opening
the com port “Com27” The com27 don’t exist.
Best regards
COM27 has been set as default for testing with com0com “null modem cable” bys using NEMA Simulator. You can set com port by going on menu View-“Data streams…” and select “NMEA 2000 (Actisense NGT-1-USB)” page. Then change on “Main NMEA2000” stream port to one, where you have Actisense connected. Then press “Connect” to open stream.
Sorry, I just have to read some more about settings.
COM27 has been set as default for testing with com0com “null modem cable” bys using NEMA Simulator. You can set com port by going on menu View-“Data streams…” and select “NMEA 2000 (Actisense NGT-1-USB)” page. Then change on “Main NMEA2000” stream port to one, where you have Actisense connected. Then press “Connect” to open stream.
No problem! Andrew
Hi All,
I’m working on adding a new Frame Reader for the Yacht Device NMEA 2000 WiFi gateway (http://www.yachtd.com/products/wifi_gateway.html). It outputs the NMEA 2000 frames in RAW format. Is this something you would like to publish the code for? Would it be worth putting the source on GitHub?
We are definitely interested in your work so please share it with us. And yes source on Github would be great. Andrew
Ok, great. I will get the code setup on GitHub with the OpenSkipper-1.6-src_20161217.zip version. I will create a tag for 1.6 and then put my changes in for NMEA 2000 Raw at 1.7.
I will let you know when the source is up on GitHub. If you (and the other originators) create GitHub accounts, I can add you as admins or contributors so you can also update the code.
Does that work for you?
Sounds great. Andrew
Sure. I’ve got the code up on GitHub here: https://github.com/OpenSkipper
I made a few tweaks to the readme and change.html files to make them display nicely in GitHub.
I created a tag “1.6.2016.1217” based on the changes.html version history.
We can merge any changes Timo is working on and give that a new version number.
I can always wipe the repo and start it again.
Michael. Thanks for setting up OpenSolver on GitHub; it was well overdue! Andrew
Using OpenSkipper to display data sent by an Arduino UNO (+Ethernet Shield) (Wifi would work as well) using broadcast UDP (currently NMEA0183 RPM, probably switch to Y2K UDP..)
Have edited OpenSkipper xml schemas to display second engine RPM…digging into protocols to link the datastream to second instrument.
Finding network UDP a good alternative to CAN proprietary stuff….
Suggestions, Help and tipps wellcome.
Will post code asp, maybe Github but may need some help there too (first time for me)
Great to see that OpenSkipper is proving useful. Please let us know how your code & system develops. Thanks, Andrew